The Little Store That Could
•Posted on December 01 2021

The main real difference between big business and small business, of any kind, is Soul. The ethereal essence of our human spirit. Small businesses, in particular brick and mortars, are corporeal manifestations of an individual's soul. In other words, we are literally putting our hearts out on the street for you to walk in and walk all over. And we love it.
With a million bucks and a big shot investor, anything is possible, but what can you create with the biggest restriction of them all, nothing. If you were tally up all the strikes against this little woman, you would have never put her in this place. A testament to all women that anything is achievable when you do the work NO ONE wants to do. And do it with a smile, happily and humbly.
It's a good thing I learned early in my life not to lean on anyone for anything. This fight or flight mode is essential for running a business in this millenial day and age. As we know, the world can change overnight.
There is no manual for running a business, so you write your own rules along the way. Bend them in shapes that work for you and the people in your business. ALWAYS put your people first, they will take care of you if you take care of them.
Staying relevant and staying open are the same thing in business. Every day we write a page in fashion history. We look back as much as we look forward here. One eye in the sky, the other looking ahead, never behind, always.
By Valerie Duardo
Mint Market Owner, Buyer and Stylist